Author Archives: Pattiya Bijlsma

Phuket seeks budget for health complex

PHUKET: The island’s administration is waiting for the Public Health Ministry to approve its request for a 343-million-baht budget to prepare for the construction of the province’s international medical tourism complex, director of Vachira Phuket Hospital, Chalermphong Sukontapol, said yesterday. Once the request is approved by Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, it will still need…

Phuket developer touts guaranteed yield strategy

PHUKET: With the pandemic ravaging the tourism industry and slowing the property market on the islands, a local developer is pivoting to a guaranteed yield strategy, aiming to sell to buyers and rent to uncertain workers. Thanusak Phungdet, president of Phuket-based property developer VIP JD Group Co, said the Phuket market has been stagnant since…

Phuket Opinion: The need for vaccination choice

PHUKET: The push to vaccinate as many people in Phuket as possible before the July 1 deadline is underway, with more than 7,000 people receiving their first injections within 24 hours after the first main delivery of vaccines arrived on the island this week. According to officials, Day 2 of the campaign (Apr 2) saw…

Tourists from 28 countries drawn to Phuket relaunch

Tourists from 28 countries have expressed interest in visiting Phuket after the government agreed to waive the mandatory quarantine for vaccinated foreign visitors, according to tourism operators in the province. In July, Phuket will be the first province to waive the quarantine requirement for foreign visitors who have been vaccinated, as part of the government’s…

Phuket International Airport getting ready for reopening

Phuket International Airport is readying for the island’s reopening by beginning the vaccination process of all employees. The mandatory inoculations is hoped to increase confidence among foreign visitors, as many who have received a Covid vaccine, can now enter the island with relaxed quarantine measures. Just yesterday, officials confirmed that 2 flights from Germany will kick off the airport’s…


我们宝迪卡希望大家在这次疫情期间都能安全并留在家里。 保持双手清洁,使用酒精喷雾,外出时务必戴上口罩。 通过保持自己的健康和保护自己的亲人来履行自己的职责。 这是我们最近读过的一篇小文章,对于所有想“我应该何时在泰国普吉岛投资?”的投资者来说,这是一个很好的分享。 文章链接:…/currency-will-be-a-key-driver-in-p… 这是我们根据以上文章得出的结论。 人民币(RMB) 目前@ 4.65 2019年第三季度末@ 4.25 2018年中旬@ 5.00 由于人民币相对于泰铢面临一些劣势,因此在上一年创建了新低价位,我们可以看到现在它已经恢复了发展势头,一旦Covid结束,可能会变得坚挺。 普吉岛市场的好消息。 俄罗斯卢布 当前@ .44 最新高位在.48至.49之间 2017年上限为0.55 全球油价下跌可能对俄罗斯卢布造成了打击,俄罗斯人是普吉岛市场的主要参与者之一。由于卢布疲软,我们可以预期普吉岛某些市场的需求将会放缓。 英镑 目前@ 40.69 2019年中旬介于37-38之间 荣耀的日子在55岁以上 英镑似乎朝着正确的方向发展,但我们不确定英国退欧是否会真正增强英镑汇率或削弱其汇率。目前,前往普吉岛的市场仍然健康。 欧元 目前@ 35.75 第3季度-第4季度介于33到34之间 2018年的过去高位在37至39之间 从这一趋势来看,人们可以预期该货币将再次达到先前的高点,这将为普吉岛市场带来更大的机会。 新加坡元 当前@ 23。++ Q3 – Q4在22和22.5之间 过去的高点Y2018 @ 24。++ 新元对泰铢的走势非常健康,因为普吉岛的大多数合资企业都来自新加坡,因此,在Covid之后,我们可以预期普吉岛市场的投资者将出现飞跃。 从上述主要参与者的积极货币趋势来看,我们认为普吉岛市场的房地产和杂货业务领域将得到稳步的恢复,甚至不会比以前更好。 回到百万美元的问题:“我什么时候应该在泰国普吉岛投资?” 我们的意见,立即行动并迅速行动!